King Diet – The Secret Weapon For Controlling Symptoms Of Morgellons Disease 9/18/19


King Diet – The Secret Weapon For Controlling Symptoms Of Morgellons Disease

New type of diet based on twenty years of research is showing promise in helping to control the devastating effects of Morgellons Disease for those who have tried everything to get relief.
The Centers For Disease Control (CDC) says Morgellons isn’t a real disease. They classify it as just a mental illness characterized by delusional infestation, yet for the hundreds of thousands of sufferers, there may be a hope in controlling the symptoms that are devastating lives worldwide.
Richard Kuhns, B.S. Ch.E., author of the controversial book, “How To Get Your Life Back From Morgellons, Chronic Lyme, and other Skin Parasites” has discovered a special diet that provides relief from the persistent symptoms that plague most individuals who have Morgellons Disease.
The diet, aptly named The King Diet, is a very specific diet which is low in phosphates. In his years of research, Richard has found that a diet low in phosphates can help stop the itching, biting and scratching associated with Morgellons and may starve the skin parasites in the process.
Richard, himself a former sufferer of skin parasites, discovered this diet through painful trial and error of elimination over more than twenty years and has compiled a long list of foods which cause symptoms of Morgellons Disease to worsen and which foods hasten the effects.
His diet has been in wide use with thousands of parasite sufferers throughout the world and he has hundreds of testimonials from grateful individuals who have used the diet to control their own symptoms.

“The King Diet in Mr. Kuhns book ended my battle with skin parasites and literally gave me my life back.
Forever grateful,” Stella Harris, NY.
“The King Diet will help you eliminate all the foods that feed skin parasites. Of course, the main culprit is refined sugar, but hidden ingredients like soy, now in almost all processed foods, is a huge culprit that can cause havoc within minutes of ingesting it!”
Melissa, NJ

“I think everything Mr Kuhns suggested helped...but the diet was imperative. I highly recommend it. All helped to make me totally free for over 2 yrs. now. Now, I can even eat candy... My life is totally normal now. Thank you, with all my heart,” Lucinda. CO

Although there is no cure or recognized treatment plan for Morgellons Disease, The King Diet may be the best hope for those who suffer needlessly from the daily effects of the disease—it certainly makes sense to add it to any treatment plan one might try.
The King Diet is contained within the pages of his book, “How To Get Your Life Back From Morgellons, Chronic Lyme, and other Skin Parasites” and has a chapter specially devoted to recipes anyone can put together. The King Diet is broken down into three stages so as one feels better more foods can be added along the way. Since the diet is not a one-size-fits-all solution, sufferers must test the foods they consume to make sure they don’t have reactions that worsen their symptoms.
He cautions those who may use the diet that “It is recommended to consult with a doctor before starting this diet to insure it won’t interfere with any previous medical conditions a person may have. I am not a doctor so I cannot give any medical advice but the proof comes from the many people who have used it and have significantly improved.”
Despite the lack of any real and worthwhile research from the medical community regarding Morgellons, Richard’s King Diet is a positive step in the right direction for those who have nowhere else to turn to control the painful symptoms of Morgellons.

For more information regarding The King Diet you can visit one of his websites at
or to schedule an interview with Richard, contact him at:
phone: 1-732-531-1178